Cookie Policy

The Valea Verde Transilvania SRL as owner of the website introduces this Cookie Policy in order to comply with the law no 506/ 2004 regarding Data Protection.

The following information is intended to inform you about placing, use and administration of “cookies” used by the website


An “Internet cookie” (a term known as “browser cookie” or “HTTP cookie” or simply “cookie”) is a small file consisting of letters and numbers that will be stored on your computer, handheld or other equipment from a user that is accessing the Internet.

The cookie is installed by request issued by a server to a web browser (eg Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) and is completely “passive” (does not contain software viruses or spyware and cannot access the information on the hard drive user).

Cookies keep information in a small text file that allows a website to recognize a browser. The web browser will recognize until the cookie expires or is deleted.

In what we call “web 2.0”, “cookies” plays an important role in facilitating access and delivery of multiple services over the internet user to enjoy, such as customizing the version of the site by type device’s use.

Cookies offer owners of sites valuable feedback on how their websites are used by users so that they can make it more efficient and accessible to users, enabling multimedia and other applications on other sites to be included in a particular site to create a browsing experience more valuable, more useful and more enjoyable, improve the efficiency of online advertising.


This website uses cookies (both its own and from third parties) to provide visitors a much better browsing experience and services tailored to the needs and interests of each. Visiting this site may place the following cookies purposes:

– Check the user device, mobile or desktop, for a proper page display.
– Provide you an efficient operation of this website
– Stores the traffic source that explains how the user reached this site or how much
time they spend on this site

Visiting this site may place some of the following cookies:

– Cookies website performance

– Cookies analysis of visitors

– Geo-targeting cookies

– Cookies record

– Advertising cookies

– Cookies’ providers advertising

These cookies may come from the following third parties: Google Analytics or Facebook.

Use of cookies optimizes navigation, adapting the information and the services offered to the user’s interests, to provide a better experience whenever you visit the site. Cookies play an important role.

Refusal or disabling cookies may turn off some functions of this site and may be the site impracticable or difficult to use. Nevertheless, cookies can be deleted at any time via your browser settings.


All modern browsers allow you to change the setting of cookies. These settings are found usually in the “options” menu or “preferences” of your browser.

To understand these settings, the following links may be useful; otherwise you can use the “help” of your browser for more details.

Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
Apple Safari:


Cookies use plain text format type. There are composed of pieces of code so they cannot be executed nor can auto-run. Consequently, you cannot duplicate or replicate on other networks to run or replica again.

Because they cannot perform these functions cannot be considered viruses.

Because identity protection is very valuable and is the right of every internet user, it is very important to be careful in choosing the most appropriate protection method for your personal data.

Here are some tips that can ensure you a carefree surfing but setting cookies generated by third parties:
consult site to find more information on
privacy related to online advertising.

For more information about setting cookies used by Google Analytics consult:

Update and Notifications

This policy may change based on regulations, law modifications, or in order to adapt the policy to the instructions issued by the Romanian Data Protection Agency. In case you need more details and you didn’t find it above, please contact us at +40 265 714399.

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